

Event hooks are configured via OctoPrint’s configuration file config.yaml. There they are contained in a subscriptions list located directly under the events node. The command node accepts either a single string or a list of strings so that multiple commands can be executed in one go. Each hook carries an additional node type that must be either gcode (for GCODE commands to be sent to the printer based on the event) or system (for commands to be executed on the system OctoPrint is running on).

All event hooks can be disabled completely by setting event > enabled to false. You can also disable individual hooks by setting the (optional) node enabled to false, see the example below.


  enabled: True
  - event: Disconnected
    command: python ~/ -t mygrowlserver -d "Lost connection to printer" -a OctoPrint -i http://raspi/Octoprint_logo.png
    type: system
    enabled: false
  - event: PrintStarted
    command: python ~/ -t mygrowlserver -d "Starting {file}" -a OctoPrint -i http://raspi/Octoprint_logo.png
    type: system
  - event: PrintDone
    command: python ~/ -t mygrowlserver -d "Completed {file}" -a OctoPrint -i http://raspi/Octoprint_logo.png
    type: system
  - event:
    - PrintStarted
    - PrintFailed
    - PrintDone
    - PrintCancelled
    command: python ~/ -t mygrowlserver -d "Event {__eventname} ({name})" -a OctoPrint -i http://raspi/Octoprint_logo.png
    type: system
  - event: Connected
    - M115
    - M117 printer connected!
    - G28
    type: gcode


You can use the following generic placeholders in your event hooks:

  • {__currentZ}: the current Z position of the head if known, -1 if not available

  • {__eventname} : the name of the event hook being triggered

  • {__filename} : name of currently selected file, or NO FILE if no file is selected

  • {__filepath} : path in origin location of currently selected file, or NO FILE if no file is selected

  • {__fileorigin} : origin of currently selected file, or NO FILE if no file is selected

  • {__progress}: the progress of the print in percent, 0 if not available

  • {__data}: a string representation of the payload

  • {__now}: the date and time of the event in ISO 8601

Additionally, all data from the payload can be accessed by its key. Example: If the payload happens to be defined something like this:

  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path in its origin storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

then you’ll be able to access the file’s name via the placeholder {name}, its path via the placeholder {path} and its origin via the placeholder {origin}.

Available Events


Plugins may add additional events via the hook.



The server has started.


The server is shutting down.


A client has connected to the push socket.


  • remoteAddress: the remote address (IP) of the client that connected. On the push socket only available with a valid login session.

Note: Name changed in version 1.1.0

Changed in version 1.1.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


A client has authenticated a user session on the push socket.


  • remoteAddress: the remote address (IP) of the client that authed. On the push socket only available with a valid login session.

  • username: the name of the user who authed. On the push socket only available with a valid login session.

New in version 1.4.0.


A client has disconnected from the push socket.


  • remoteAddress: the remote address (IP) of the client that disconnected. On the push socket only available with a valid login session.


A user logged in. On the push socket only available with a valid login session with admin rights.


  • username: the name of the user who logged in

New in version 1.4.0.


A user logged out. On the push socket only available with a valid login session with admin rights.

  • username: the name of the user who logged out

New in version 1.4.0.


The server’s internet connectivity changed


  • old: Old connectivity value (true for online, false for offline)

  • new: New connectivity value (true for online, false for offline)

New in version 1.3.5.

Printer communication


The server is attempting to connect to the printer.

New in version 1.3.0.


The server has connected to the printer.


  • port: the connected serial port

  • baudrate: the baud rate


The server is going to disconnect from the printer. Note that this event might not always be sent when the server and printer get disconnected from each other. Do not depend on this for critical life cycle management.

New in version 1.3.0.


The server has disconnected from the printer


An unrecoverable error has been encountered, either as reported by the firmware (e.g. a thermal runaway) or on the connection.

Note that this event will not fire for error messages from the firmware that are handled (and as such recovered from) either by OctoPrint or a plugin.


  • error: the error string


The state of the printer changed.


  • state_id: Id of the new state. See get_state_id() for possible values.

  • state_string: Text representation of the new state.

New in version 1.3.0.

File handling


A file has been uploaded through the REST API.

  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • target: the target storage location to which the file was uploaded, either local or sdcard

  • select: whether an immediate selection of the file was requested on the API by the corresponding parameter

  • print: whether an immediate print start of the file was requested on the API by the corresponding parameter

  • effective_select: whether the file will actually be selected (select request got granted)

  • effective_print: whether the file will actually start printing (print request got granted)

  • userdata: optional userdata if provided on the API, will only be present if supplied in the upload request

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s path within its storage location. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


A file has been added to a storage.

  • storage: the storage’s identifier

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • name: the file’s name

  • type: the file’s type, a list of the path within the type hierarchy, e.g. ["machinecode", "gcode"] or ["model", "stl"]


A copied file triggers this for its new path. A moved file first triggers FileRemoved for its original path and then FileAdded for the new one.

New in version 1.3.3.


A file has been removed from a storage.

  • storage: the storage’s identifier

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • name: the file’s name

  • type: the file’s type, a list of the path within the type hierarchy, e.g. ["machinecode", "gcode"] or ["model", "stl"]


A moved file first triggers FileRemoved for its original path and then FileAdded for the new one.

New in version 1.3.3.


A file has been moved from one location to an other location.

  • storage: the storage’s identifier

  • source_path: the source file’s path within its storage location

  • source_name: the source file’s name

  • source_type: the source file’s type, a list of the path within the type hierarchy, e.g. ["machinecode", "gcode"] or ["model", "stl"]

  • destination_path: the source file’s path within its storage location

  • destination_name: the source file’s name

  • destination_type: the source file’s type, a list of the path within the type hierarchy, e.g. ["machinecode", "gcode"] or ["model", "stl"]


A moved file still triggers first a FileRemoved for its original path and then FileAdded event for the new one. After that a `UpdatedFiles` event is also fired.

New in version 1.8.0.


A folder has been added to a storage.

  • storage: the storage’s identifier

  • path: the folder’s path within its storage location

  • name: the folder’s name


A copied folder triggers this for its new path. A moved folder first triggers FolderRemoved for its original path and then FolderAdded for the new one.

New in version 1.3.3.


A folder has been removed from a storage.

  • storage: the storage’s identifier

  • path: the folder’s path within its storage location

  • name: the folder’s name


A moved folder first triggers FolderRemoved for its original path and then FolderAdded for the new one.

New in version 1.3.3.


A folder has been moved from one location to an other location.

  • storage: the storage’s identifier

  • source_path: the source folder’s path within its storage location

  • source_name: the source folder’s name

  • destination_path: the source folder’s path within its storage location

  • destination_name: the source folder’s name


A moved folder still triggers first a FolderRemoved for its original path and then FolderAdded event for the new one. After that a `UpdatedFiles` event is also fired.

New in version 1.8.0.


A file list was modified.


  • type: the type of file list that was modified. Only printables is supported here. See the deprecation note below.

    Deprecated since version 1.2.0: The gcode modification type has been superseded by printables. It is currently still available for reasons of backwards compatibility and will also be sent on modification of printables. It will however be removed with 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


The metadata analysis of a file has started.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the file’s origin storage location

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s path within its storage location. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


The metadata analysis of a file has finished.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the file’s origin storage location

  • result: the analysis result – this is a Python object currently only available for internal use

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s path within its storage location. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


A file has been selected for printing.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


No file is selected any more for printing.


A file transfer to the printer’s SD has started.


  • local: the file’s name as stored locally

  • remote: the file’s name as stored on SD

Note: Name changed in version 1.1.0

Changed in version 1.1.0.


A file transfer to the printer’s SD has finished.


  • time: the time it took for the transfer to complete in seconds

  • local: the file’s name as stored locally

  • remote: the file’s name as stored on SD



A print has started.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • user: the user who started the print job (if available)

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


A print failed.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • time: the elapsed time of the print when it failed, in seconds (float)

  • reason: the reason the print failed, either cancelled or error

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


A print completed successfully.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • time: the time needed for the print, in seconds (float)

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


The print is about to be cancelled.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • user: the user who cancelled the print job (if available)

  • firmwareError: the firmware error that caused cancelling the print job, if any

New in version 1.3.7.


The print has been cancelled.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • time: the elapsed time of the print when it was cancelled, in seconds (float)

  • user: the user who cancelled the print job (if available)

  • position: the print head position at the time of cancelling (if available, not available if recording of the position on cancel is disabled)

  • position.x: x coordinate, as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.y: y coordinate, as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.z: z coordinate, as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.e: e coordinate (of currently selected extruder), as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.t: last tool selected through OctoPrint (note that if you did change the printer’s selected tool outside of OctoPrint, e.g. through the printer controller, or if you are printing from SD, this will NOT be accurate)

  • position.f: last feedrate for move commands sent through OctoPrint (note that if you modified the feedrate outside of OctoPrint, e.g. through the printer controller, or if you are printing from SD, this will NOT be accurate)

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


The print has been paused.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • user: the user who paused the print job (if available)

  • position: the print head position at the time of pausing (if available, not available if the recording of the position on pause is disabled or the pause is completely handled by the printer’s firmware)

  • position.x: x coordinate, as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.y: y coordinate, as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.z: z coordinate, as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.e: e coordinate (of currently selected extruder), as reported back from the firmware through M114

  • position.t: last tool selected through OctoPrint (note that if you did change the printer’s selected tool outside of OctoPrint, e.g. through the printer controller, or if you are printing from SD, this will NOT be accurate)

  • position.f: last feedrate for move commands sent through OctoPrint (note that if you modified the feedrate outside of OctoPrint, e.g. through the printer controller, or if you are printing from SD, this will NOT be accurate)

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


The print has been resumed.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • user: the user who resumed the print job (if available)

Deprecated since version 1.3.0:

  • file: the file’s full path on disk (local) or within its storage (sdcard). To be removed in 1.4.0.

  • filename: the file’s name. To be removed in 1.4.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0.


A custom GCODE script has started running.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • time: the time needed for the print, in seconds (float)

New in version 1.6.0.


A custom GCODE script has finished running.


  • name: the file’s name

  • path: the file’s path within its storage location

  • origin: the origin storage location of the file, either local or sdcard

  • size: the file’s size in bytes (if available)

  • owner: the user who started the print job (if available)

  • time: the time needed for the print, in seconds (float)

New in version 1.6.0.


A time-based marking has been made on the UI’s temperature chart.


  • type: The marking’s ID. Built-in types are print, done, cancel, pause, and resume. Plugins may set arbitrary types, which should be prefixed, e.g. pluginname_eventtype. In the UI, the type ID is used to stylize the marking label.

  • label: The human-readable short label of the marking, ideally one short word. Optional but recommended; if not specified, the UI will display the type. The label may be localized in the UI.

  • time: The epoch time of marking. Defaults to the event fire time if not specified. Plugins may set a time in the past if it makes sense for the event.

New in version 1.9.0.

GCODE processing


An M80 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


An M81 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


A G28 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


The printer’s Z-Height has changed (new layer) through a G0 or G1 that was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


A G4 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


One of the following commands was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!): M0, M1, M226


An M245 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


An M300 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


An M240 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


An M40 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


An M112 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)


An M600, M701 or M702 was sent to the printer through OctoPrint (not triggered when printing from SD!)

New in version 1.7.0.


The response to an M114 was received by OctoPrint. The payload contains the current position information parsed from the response and (in the case of the selected tool t and the current feedrate f) tracked by OctoPrint.


  • x: x coordinate, parsed from response

  • y: y coordinate, parsed from response

  • z: z coordinate, parsed from response

  • e: e coordinate, parsed from response

  • t: last tool selected through OctoPrint

  • f: last feedrate for move commands G0, G1 or G28 sent through OctoPrint

New in version 1.3.0.


A tool change command was sent to the printer. The payload contains the former current tool index and the new current tool index.


  • old: old tool index

  • new: new tool index

New in version 1.3.5.


A command was suppressed by OctoPrint due to according configuration and will not be sent to the printer.


  • command: the command that was suppressed

  • message: a message containing an explanation of the command suppression

  • severity: a severity level, either warn or info - warn indicates that the command was suppressed probably due to a misconfiguration either inside OctoPrint or the firmware and that it should be investigated by the user

New in version 1.5.0.


The firmware reported a tool as invalid upon trying to select it. It has thus been marked as invalid and further attempts to select said tool will result in the tool command to get suppressed (and SuppressedCommand to be generated).


  • tool: the tool number that was reported as invalid by the firmware

  • fallback: the tool number that OctoPrint will revert to

New in version 1.5.0.



A timelapse frame has started to be captured.


  • file: the name of the image file to be saved


A timelapse frame has completed being captured.

  • file: the name of the image file that was saved


A timelapse frame could not be captured.

  • file: the name of the image file that should have been saved

  • error: the error that was caught

New in version 1.3.0.


The timelapse movie has started rendering.


  • gcode: the GCODE file for which the timelapse would have been created (only the filename without the path)

  • movie: the movie file that is being created (full path)

  • movie_basename: the movie file that is being created (only the file name without the path)


The timelapse movie is completed.


  • gcode: the GCODE file for which the timelapse would have been created (only the filename without the path)

  • movie: the movie file that has been created (full path)

  • movie_basename: the movie file that has been created (only the file name without the path)


There was an error while rendering the timelapse movie.


  • gcode: the GCODE file for which the timelapse would have been created (only the filename without the path)

  • movie: the movie file that would have been created (full path)

  • movie_basename: the movie file that would have been created (only the file name without the path)

  • returncode: the return code of ffmpeg that indicates the error that occurred

  • reason: additional machine processable reason string - can be returncode if ffmpeg returned a non-0 return code, no_frames if no frames were captured that could be rendered to a timelapse, or unknown for any other reason of failure to render.



The slicing of a file has started.


  • slicer: the used slicer

  • stl: the STL’s filename

  • stl_location: the STL’s location

  • gcode: the sliced GCODE’s filename

  • gcode_location: the sliced GCODE’s location

  • progressAvailable: true if progress information via the slicingProgress push update will be available, false if not


The slicing of a file has completed.


  • slicer: the used slicer

  • stl: the STL’s filename

  • stl_location: the STL’s location

  • gcode: the sliced GCODE’s filename

  • gcode_location: the sliced GCODE’s location

  • time: the time needed for slicing, in seconds (float)


The slicing of a file has been cancelled. This will happen if a second slicing job targeting the same GCODE file has been started by the user.


  • slicer: the used slicer

  • stl: the STL’s filename

  • stl_location: the STL’s location

  • gcode: the sliced GCODE’s filename

  • gcode_location: the sliced GCODE’s location


The slicing of a file has failed.


  • slicer: the used slicer

  • stl: the STL’s filename

  • stl_location: the STL’s location

  • gcode: the sliced GCODE’s filename

  • gcode_location: the sliced GCODE’s location

  • reason: the reason for the slicing having failed


A new slicing profile was added.


  • slicer: the slicer for which the profile was added

  • profile: the profile that was added

New in version 1.2.12.


A slicing profile was modified.


  • slicer: the slicer for which the profile was modified

  • profile: the profile that was modified

New in version 1.2.12.


A slicing profile was deleted.


  • slicer: the slicer for which the profile was deleted

  • profile: the profile that was deleted

New in version 1.2.12.



The settings were updated via the REST API.

This event may also be triggered if calling code of or sets the trigger_event parameter to True.

New in version 1.2.0.

Printer Profile


A printer profile was modified.


  • identifier: the identifier of the modified printer profile

New in version 1.3.12.