.. _sec-api-datamodel: ***************** Common data model ***************** .. contents:: .. _sec-api-datamodel-printer: Printer related =============== .. _sec-api-datamodel-printer-state: Printer State ------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``text`` - 1 - String - A textual representation of the current state of the printer, e.g. "Operational" or "Printing" * - ``flags`` - 1 - Printer state flags - A few boolean printer state flags * - ``flags.operational`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is operational, ``false`` otherwise * - ``flags.paused`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is currently paused, ``false`` otherwise * - ``flags.printing`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is currently printing, ``false`` otherwise * - ``flags.pausing`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is currently printing and in the process of pausing, ``false`` otherwise * - ``flags.cancelling`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is currently printing and in the process of pausing, ``false`` otherwise * - ``flags.sdReady`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer's SD card is available and initialized, ``false`` otherwise. This is redundant information to :ref:`the SD State `. * - ``flags.error`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if an unrecoverable error occurred, ``false`` otherwise * - ``flags.ready`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is operational and no data is currently being streamed to SD, so ready to receive instructions * - ``flags.closedOrError`` - 1 - Boolean - ``true`` if the printer is disconnected (possibly due to an error), ``false`` otherwise .. _sec-api-datamodel-printer-tempdata: Temperature Data ---------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``actual`` - 1 - Number - Current temperature * - ``target`` - 1 - Number - Target temperature, may be ``null`` if no target temperature is set. * - ``offset`` - 0..1 - Number - Currently configured temperature offset to apply, will be left out for historic temperature information. .. _sec-api-datamodel-printer-temphistory: Historic Temperature Data Point ------------------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``time`` - 1 - Unix Timestamp - Timestamp of this data point * - ``tool{n}`` - 0..* - :ref:`Temperature Data ` - Temperature stats for tool *n*. Enumeration starts at 0 for the first tool. Not included if querying only bed state. * - ``bed`` - 0..* - :ref:`Temperature Data ` - Temperature stats for the printer's heated bed. Not included if querying only tool state. .. _sec-api-datamodel-printer-tempoffset: Temperature offset ------------------ .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``tool{n}`` - 0..1 - Number - Temperature offset for tool *n*. Enumeration starts at 0 for the first tool. * - ``bed`` - 0..1 - Number - Temperature offset for the printer's heated bed. .. _sec-api-datamodel-printer-resends: Resend stats ------------ .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``count`` - 1 - int - Number of resend requests received since connecting. * - ``transmitted`` - 1 - int - Number of transmitted lines since connecting. * - ``ratio`` - 1 - int - Percentage of resend requests vs transmitted lines. Value between 0 and 100. .. _sec-api-datamodel-jobs: Job related =========== .. _sec-api-datamodel-jobs-job: Job information --------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``file`` - 1 - :ref:`File information (abridged) ` - The file that is the target of the current print job * - ``estimatedPrintTime`` - 0..1 - Float - The estimated print time for the file, in seconds. * - ``lastPrintTime`` - 0..1 - Float - The print time of the last print of the file, in seconds. * - ``filament`` - 0..1 - Object - Information regarding the estimated filament usage of the print job * - ``filament.length`` - 0..1 - Float - Length of filament used, in mm * - ``filament.volume`` - 0..1 - Float - Volume of filament used, in cm³ .. _sec-api-datamodel-jobs-progress: Progress information -------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``completion`` - 1 - Float - Percentage of completion of the current print job * - ``filepos`` - 1 - Integer - Current position in the file being printed, in bytes from the beginning * - ``printTime`` - 1 - Integer - Time already spent printing, in seconds * - ``printTimeLeft`` - 1 - Integer - Estimate of time left to print, in seconds * - ``printTimeLeftOrigin`` - 1 - String - Origin of the current time left estimate. Can currently be either of: * ``linear``: based on an linear approximation of the progress in file in bytes vs time * ``analysis``: based on an analysis of the file * ``estimate``: calculated estimate after stabilization of linear estimation * ``average``: based on the average total from past prints of the same model against the same printer profile * ``mixed-analysis``: mixture of ``estimate`` and ``analysis`` * ``mixed-average``: mixture of ``estimate`` and ``average`` .. _sec-api-datamodel-files: File related ============ .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-file: File information ---------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``name`` - 1 - String - The name of the file without path. E.g. "file.gco" for a file "file.gco" located anywhere in the file system. Currently this will always fit into ASCII. * - ``display`` - 1 - String - The name of the file without the path, this time potentially with non-ASCII unicode characters. E.g. "a turtle 🐢.gco" for a file "a_turtle_turtle.gco" located anywhere in the file system. * - ``path`` - 1 - String - The path to the file within the location. E.g. "folder/subfolder/file.gco" for a file "file.gco" located within "folder" and "subfolder" relative to the root of the location. Currently this will always fit into ASCII. * - ``type`` - 1 - String - Type of file. ``model`` or ``machinecode``. Or ``folder`` if it's a folder, in which case the ``children`` node will be populated * - ``typePath`` - 1 - list - Path to type of file in extension tree. E.g. ``["model", "stl"]`` for ``.stl`` files, or ``["machinecode", "gcode"]`` for ``.gcode`` files. ``["folder"]`` for folders. * - ``user`` - 0..1 - String - User who uploaded the file/created the folder, if this information is available. Additional properties depend on ``type``. For a ``type`` value of ``folder``, see :ref:`Folders `. For any other value see :ref:`Files `. .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-folders: Folders ''''''' .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``children`` - 0..* - Array of :ref:`File information items ` - Contained children for entries of type ``folder``. On non recursive listings only present on first level sub folders! * - ``size`` - 0..1 - Number - The size of all files contained in the folder and its subfolders. Not present in non recursive listings! .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-files: Files ''''' .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``hash`` - 0..1 - String - MD5 hash of the file. Only available for ``local`` files. * - ``size`` - 0..1 - Number - The size of the file in bytes. Only available for ``local`` files or ``sdcard`` files if the printer supports file sizes for sd card files. * - ``date`` - 0..1 - Unix timestamp - The timestamp when this file was uploaded. Only available for ``local`` files. * - ``origin`` - 1 - String, either ``local`` or ``sdcard`` - The origin of the file, ``local`` when stored in OctoPrint's ``uploads`` folder, ``sdcard`` when stored on the printer's SD card (if available) * - ``refs`` - 0..1 - :ref:`sec-api-datamodel-files-ref` - References relevant to this file, left out in abridged version * - ``gcodeAnalysis`` - 0..1 - :ref:`GCODE analysis information ` - Information from the analysis of the GCODE file, if available. Left out in abridged version. * - ``prints`` - 0..1 - :ref:`Print history information ` - Information about previous prints of the file. Left out if the file has never been printed. * - ``statistics`` - 0..1 - :ref:`Print statistics information ` - Statistics about the file, based on the previous print times. Left out if the file has never been printed. .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-fileabridged: Abridged file or folder information ----------------------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``name`` - 1 - String - The name of the file or folder without path. E.g. "file.gco" for a file "file.gco" located anywhere in the file system. Currently this will always fit into ASCII. * - ``display`` - 1 - String - The name of the file without the path, this potentially with non-ASCII unicode characters. E.g. "a turtle 🐢.gco" for a file "a_turtle_turtle.gco" located anywhere in the file system. * - ``path`` - 1 - String - The path to the file or folder within the location. E.g. "folder/subfolder/file.gco" for a file "file.gco" located within "folder" and "subfolder" relative to the root of the location. Currently this will always fit into ASCII. * - ``origin`` - 1 - String, either ``local`` or ``sdcard`` - The origin of the file, ``local`` when stored in OctoPrint's ``uploads`` folder, ``sdcard`` when stored on the printer's SD card (if available) * - ``refs`` - 0..1 - :ref:`sec-api-datamodel-files-ref` - References relevant to this file or folder, left out in abridged version .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-gcodeanalysis: GCODE analysis information -------------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``estimatedPrintTime`` - 0..1 - Float - The estimated print time of the file, in seconds * - ``filament`` - 0..1 - Object - The estimated usage of filament * - ``filament.tool{n}.length`` - 0..1 - Float - The length of filament used, in mm * - ``filament.tool{n}.volume`` - 0..1 - Float - The volume of filament used, in cm³ * - ``dimensions`` - 0..1 - Object - Information regarding the size of the printed model * - ``dimensions.depth`` - 0..1 - Float - The depth of the printed model, in mm * - ``dimensions.height`` - 0..1 - Float - The height of the printed model, in mm * - ``dimensions.width`` - 0..1 - Float - The width of the printed model, in mm * - ``printingArea`` - 0..1 - Object - Information regarding the size of the printing area * - ``printingArea.maxX`` - 0..1 - Float - The maximum X coordinate of the printed model, in mm * - ``printingArea.maxY`` - 0..1 - Float - The maximum Y coordinate of the printed model, in mm * - ``printingArea.maxZ`` - 0..1 - Float - The maximum Z coordinate of the printed model, in mm * - ``printingArea.minX`` - 0..1 - Float - The minimum X coordinate of the printed model, in mm * - ``printingArea.minY`` - 0..1 - Float - The minimum Y coordinate of the printed model, in mm * - ``printingArea.minZ`` - 0..1 - Float - The minimum Z coordinate of the printed model, in mm * - ``travelArea`` - 0..1 - Object - Information regarding the bounding box of all moves * - ``travelArea.maxX`` - 0..1 - Float - The maximum X coordinate of all moves, in mm * - ``travelArea.maxY`` - 0..1 - Float - The maximum Y coordinate of all moves, in mm * - ``travelArea.maxZ`` - 0..1 - Float - The maximum Z coordinate of all moves, in mm * - ``travelArea.minX`` - 0..1 - Float - The minimum X coordinate of all moves, in mm * - ``travelArea.minY`` - 0..1 - Float - The minimum Y coordinate of all moves, in mm * - ``travelArea.minZ`` - 0..1 - Float - The minimum Z coordinate of all moves, in mm * - ``travelDimensions`` - 0..1 - Object - Information regarding the size of the travel area * - ``travelDimensions.depth`` - 0..1 - Float - The depth of the travel area, in mm * - ``travelDimensions.height`` - 0..1 - Float - The height of the travel area, in mm * - ``travelDimensions.width`` - 0..1 - Float - The width of the travel area, in mm .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-ref: References ---------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``resource`` - 1 - URL - The resource that represents the file or folder (e.g. for issuing commands to or for deleting) * - ``download`` - 0..1 - URL - The download URL for the file. Never present for folders. * - ``model`` - 0..1 - URL - The model from which this file was generated (e.g. an STL, currently not used). Never present for folders. .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-prints: Print History ------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``success`` - 1 - Number - Number of successful prints * - ``failure`` - 1 - Number - Number of failed prints * - ``last.date`` - 1 - Unix Timestamp - Last date this file was printed * - ``last.printTime`` - 1 - Float - Last print time in seconds * - ``last.success`` - 1 - Boolean - Whether the last print was a success or not .. _sec-api-datamodel-files-stats: Print Statistics ---------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``averagePrintTime`` - 1 - Object - Object that maps printer profile names to the last print time of the file, in seconds * - ``lastPrintTime`` - 1 - Object - Object that maps printer profile names to the average print time of the file, in seconds .. _sec-api-datamodel-access: Access control ============== .. _sec-api-datamodel-access-users: User record ----------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``name`` - 1 - string - The user's name * - ``active`` - 1 - bool - Whether the user's account is active (true) or not (false) * - ``user`` - 1 - bool - Whether the user has user rights. Should always be true. Deprecated as of 1.4.0, use the ``users`` group instead. * - ``admin`` - 1 - bool - Whether the user has admin rights (true) or not (false). Deprecated as of 1.4.0, use the ``admins`` group instead. * - ``apikey`` - 0..1 - string - The user's personal API key * - ``settings`` - 1 - object - The user's personal settings, might be an empty object. * - ``groups`` - 1..n - List of string - Groups assigned to the user * - ``needs`` - 1 - :ref:`Needs object ` - Effective needs of the user * - ``permissions`` - 0..n - List of :ref:`Permissions ` - The list of permissions assigned to the user (note: this does not include implicit permissions inherit from groups). .. _sec-api-datamodel-access-permissions: Permission record ----------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``key`` - 1 - string - The permission's identifier * - ``name`` - 1 - string - The permission's name * - ``dangerous`` - 1 - boolean - Whether the permission should be considered dangerous due to a high responsibility (true) or not (false). * - ``default_groups`` - 1 - List of string - List of group identifiers for which this permission is enabled by default * - ``description`` - 1 - string - Human readable description of the permission * - ``needs`` - 1 - :ref:`Needs object ` - Needs assigned to the permission .. _sec-api-datamodel-access-groups: Group record ------------ .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``key`` - 1 - string - The group's identifier * - ``name`` - 1 - string - The group's name * - ``description`` - 1 - string - A human readable description of the group * - ``permissions`` - 0..n - List of :ref:`Permissions ` - The list of permissions assigned to the group (note: this does not include implicit permissions inherited from subgroups). * - ``subgroups`` - 0..n - List of :ref:`Groups ` - Subgroups assigned to the group * - ``needs`` - 1 - :ref:`Needs object ` - Effective needs of the group * - ``default`` - 1 - boolean - Whether this is a default group (true) or not (false) * - ``removable`` - 1 - boolean - Whether this group can be removed (true) or not (false) * - ``changeable`` - 1 - boolean - Whether this group can be modified (true) or not (false) * - ``toggleable`` - 1 - boolean - Whether this group can be assigned to users or other groups (true) or not (false) .. _sec-api-datamodel-access-needs: Needs ----- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``role`` - 0..1 - List of string - List of ``role`` needs * - ``group`` - 0..1 - List of string - List of ``group`` needs