.. _sec-api-timelapse: ********* Timelapse ********* .. contents:: .. _sec-api-timelapse-list: Retrieve a list of timelapses and the current config ==================================================== .. http:get:: /api/timelapse Retrieves a list of timelapses and the current config. Returns a :ref:`timelapse list ` in the response body. Requires the ``TIMELAPSE_LIST`` permission. :param unrendered: If provided and true, also include unrendered timelapses .. _sec-api-timelapse-delete: Delete a timelapse ================== .. http:delete:: /api/timelapse/(string:name) Delete the timelapse ``name``. Returns a :ref:`timelapse list ` in the response body with the updated information. Requires the ``TIMELAPSE_DELETE`` permission. :param unrendered: If provided and true, also include unrendered timelapses in the response .. _sec-api-timelapse-render: Issue a command for an unrendered timelapse =========================================== .. http:post:: /api/timelapse/unrendered/(string:name) Current only supports to render the unrendered timelapse ``name`` via the ``render`` command. Requires the ``TIMELAPSE_MANAGE_UNRENDERED`` permission. :json command: The command to issue, currently only ``render`` is supported .. _sec-api-timelapse-delete-unrendered: Delete an unrendered timelapse ============================== .. http:delete:: /api/timelapse/unrendered/(string:name) Delete the unrendered timelapse ``name``. Returns a :ref:`timelapse list ` in the response body. Requires the ``TIMELAPSE_MANAGE_UNRENDERED`` permission. :param unrendered: If provided and true, also include unrendered timelapses in the response .. _sec-api-timelapse-saveconfig: Change current timelapse config =============================== .. http:post:: /api/timelapse Save a new :ref:`timelapse configuration ` to use for the next print. Set the optional ``save`` flag in the configuration to ``true`` in order to make the new configuration persist across restarts. The configuration is expected as the request body. Returns a :ref:`timelapse list ` in the response body. Requires the ``TIMELAPSE_ADMIN`` permission. :param unrendered: If provided and true, also include unrendered timelapses in the response .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel: Data model ========== .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel-list: Timelapse list -------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``config`` - 1 - :ref:`Timelapse config ` - Current timelapse configuration * - ``files`` - 0..* - List of :ref:`rendered timelapses ` - List of rendered timelapse entries * - ``unrendered`` - 0..* - List of :ref:`unrendered timelapses ` - List of unrendered timelapse entries, only present if requested .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel-rendered: Rendered timelapse ------------------ .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``name`` - 1 - string - Name of the timelapse file * - ``size`` - 1 - string - Formatted size of the timelapse file * - ``bytes`` - 1 - int - Size of the timelapse file in bytes * - ``date`` - 1 - string - Formatted timestamp of the timelapse creation date * - ``url`` - 1 - string - URL for downloading the timelapse * - ``thumbnail`` - 1 - string - URL for downloading a thumbnail of the timelapse (optional) .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel-unrendered: Unrendered timelapse -------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``name`` - 1 - string - Name of the unrendered timelapse job * - ``size`` - 1 - string - Formatted size of all files in the unrendered timelapse job * - ``bytes`` - 1 - int - Size of all files in the unrendered timelapse job in bytes * - ``date`` - 1 - string - Formatted timestamp of the timelapse job creation date * - ``recording`` - 1 - bool - Whether the timelapse is still being recorded (true) or not (false) * - ``rendering`` - 1 - bool - Whether the timelapse is still being rendered (true) or not (false) * - ``processing`` - 1 - bool - Whether the timelapse is either still being recorded or rendered (true) or not (false) .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel-config: Timelapse configuration ----------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``type`` - 1 - string - Type of the timelapse, either ``off``, ``zchange`` or ``timed``. * - ``save`` - 1 - bool - Optional flag to be included when saving a configuration to make the configuration persist across restarts Further fields are timelapse type specific, see below for details. .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel-config-off: Z-change-triggered timelapse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For timelapse type ``zchange``. .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``postRoll`` - 1 - int - Configured post roll in seconds * - ``fps`` - 1 - int - Frames per second to use for rendered video * - ``retractionZHop`` - 1 - float - Size of retraction Z hop to detect and ignore for z-based snapshots * - ``minDelay`` - 1 - int - Snapshots will be rate limited against this interval, to prevent performance issues with vase mode/continuous z prints * - ``renderAfterPrint`` - 1 - string - Determines whether the timelapse should be rendered automatically after the print finishes. .. _sec-api-timelapse-datamodel-config-timed: Time triggered timelapse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For timelapse type ``timed``. .. list-table:: :widths: 15 5 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Multiplicity - Type - Description * - ``postRoll`` - 1 - int - Configured post roll in seconds * - ``fps`` - 1 - int - Frames per second to use for rendered video * - ``interval`` - 1 - int - Seconds between individual shots * - ``renderAfterPrint`` - 1 - string - Determines whether the timelapse should be rendered automatically after the print finishes.