.. _sec-plugins-mixins: Mixins ====== .. contents:: :local: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-general: General Concepts ---------------- Plugin mixins are the heart of OctoPrint's plugin system. They are :ref:`special base classes ` which are to be subclassed and extended to add functionality to OctoPrint. Plugins declare their instances that implement one or multiple mixins using the ``__plugin_implementation__`` control property. OctoPrint's plugin core collects those from the plugins and offers methods to access them based on the mixin type, which get used at multiple locations within OctoPrint. Using mixins always follows the pattern of retrieving the matching implementations from the plugin subsystem, then calling the specific mixin's methods as defined and necessary. The following snippet taken from OctoPrint's code for example shows how all :class:`~octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin` implementations are collected and then all assets they return via their ``get_assets`` methods are retrieved and merged into one big asset map (differing between javascripts and stylesheets of various types) for use during rendition of the UI. .. code-block:: python asset_plugins = pluginManager.get_implementations(octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin) for name, implementation in asset_plugins.items(): all_assets = implementation.get_assets() if "js" in all_assets: for asset in all_assets["js"]: assets["js"].append(url_for('plugin_assets', name=name, filename=asset)) if preferred_stylesheet in all_assets: for asset in all_assets[preferred_stylesheet]: assets["stylesheets"].append((preferred_stylesheet, url_for('plugin_assets', name=name, filename=asset))) else: for stylesheet in supported_stylesheets: if not stylesheet in all_assets: continue for asset in all_assets[stylesheet]: assets["stylesheets"].append((stylesheet, url_for('plugin_assets', name=name, filename=asset))) break .. seealso:: :ref:`The Plugin Tutorial ` Tutorial on how to write a simple OctoPrint module utilizing mixins for various types of extension. .. _sec-plugins-mixins-ordering: Execution Order --------------- Some mixin types, such as :class:`~octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin`, :class:`~octoprint.plugin.ShutdownPlugin` and :class:`~octoprint.plugin.UiPlugin`, support influencing the execution order for various execution contexts by also implementing the :class:`~octoprint.plugin.core.SortablePlugin` mixin. If a method is to be called on a plugin implementation for which a sorting context is defined (see the mixin documentation for information on this), OctoPrint's plugin subsystem will ensure that the order in which the implementation calls are done is as follows: * Plugins with a return value that is not ``None`` for :meth:`~octoprint.plugin.core.SortablePlugin.get_sorting_key` for the provided sorting context will be ordered among each other first. If the returned order number is equal for two or more implementations, they will be sorted first by whether they come bundled with OctoPrint or not, then by their identifier. * After that follow plugins which returned ``None`` (the default). They are first sorted by whether they come bundled with OctoPrint or not, then by their identifier. Example: Consider four plugin implementations implementing the :class:`~octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin` mixin, called ``plugin_a``, ``plugin_b``, ``plugin_c`` and ``plugin_d``, the latter coming bundled with OctoPrint. ``plugin_a`` and ``plugin_d`` don't override :meth:`~octoprint.plugin.core.SortablePlugin.get_sorting_key`. ``plugin_b`` and ``plugin_c`` both return ``1`` for the sorting context ``StartupPlugin.on_startup``, ``None`` otherwise: .. code-block:: python :caption: plugin_a.py import octoprint.plugin class PluginA(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin): def on_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginA starting up") def on_after_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginA started up") __plugin_implementation__ = PluginA() .. code-block:: python :caption: plugin_b.py import octoprint.plugin class PluginB(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin): def get_sorting_key(self, context): if context == "StartupPlugin.on_startup": return 1 return None def on_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginB starting up") def on_after_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginB started up") __plugin_implementation__ = PluginB() .. code-block:: python :caption: plugin_c.py import octoprint.plugin class PluginC(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin): def get_sorting_key(self, context): if context == "StartupPlugin.on_startup": return 1 return None def on_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginC starting up") def on_after_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginC started up") __plugin_implementation__ = PluginC() .. code-block:: python :caption: plugin_d.py # in this example this is bundled with OctoPrint import octoprint.plugin class PluginD(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin): def on_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginD starting up") def on_after_startup(self, *args, **kwargs): self._logger.info("PluginD started up") __plugin_implementation__ = PluginD() OctoPrint will detect that ``plugin_b`` and ``plugin_c`` define a order number, and since it's identical for both (``1``) will order both plugins based first on their bundling status and then on their plugin identifier. ``plugin_a`` and ``plugin_d`` don't define a sort key and hence will be put after the other two, with ``plugin_d`` coming *before* ``plugin_a`` since it comes bundled with OctoPrint. The execution order of the ``on_startup`` method will hence be ``plugin_b``, ``plugin_c``, ``plugin_d``, ``plugin_a``. Now, the execution order of the ``on_after_startup`` method will be determined based on another sorting context, ``StartupPlugin.on_after_startup`` for which all of the plugins return ``None``. Hence, the execution order of the ``on_after_startup`` method will be ordered first by bundle status, then by plugin identifier: ``plugin_d``, ``plugin_a``, ``plugin_b``, ``plugin_c``. This will result in the following messages to be generated: .. code-block:: none Plugin B starting up Plugin C starting up Plugin D starting up Plugin A starting up Plugin D started up Plugin A started up Plugin B started up Plugin C started up .. _sec-plugins-mixins-injectedproperties: Injected Properties ------------------- OctoPrint's plugin subsystem will inject a bunch of properties into each :ref:`mixin implementation `. An overview of these properties can be found in the section :ref:`Injected Properties `. .. seealso:: :class:`~octoprint.plugin.core.Plugin` and :class:`~octoprint.plugin.types.OctoPrintPlugin` Class documentation also containing the properties shared among all mixin implementations. .. _sec-plugins-mixins-available: Available plugin mixins ----------------------- The following plugin mixins are currently available: .. contents:: :local: Please note that all plugin mixins inherit from :class:`~octoprint.plugin.core.Plugin` and :class:`~octoprint.plugin.types.OctoPrintPlugin`, which also provide attributes of interest to plugin developers. .. _sec-plugins-mixins-assetplugin: AssetPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-blueprintplugin: BlueprintPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.BlueprintPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-eventhandlerplugin: EventHandlerPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.EventHandlerPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-mfaplugin: MfaPlugin ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.MfaPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-progressplugin: ProgressPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.ProgressPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-reloadneeding: ReloadNeedingPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.ReloadNeedingPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-restartneeding: RestartNeedingPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.RestartNeedingPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-settingsplugin: SettingsPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-shutdownplugin: ShutdownPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.ShutdownPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-simpleapiplugin: SimpleApiPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.SimpleApiPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-slicerplugin: SlicerPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.SlicerPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-startupplugin: StartupPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-templateplugin: TemplatePlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.TemplatePlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-uiplugin: UiPlugin ~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.UiPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-webcamproviderplugin: WebcamProviderPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.WebcamProviderPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: .. _sec-plugins-mixins-wizardplugin: WizardPlugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: octoprint.plugin.WizardPlugin :members: :show-inheritance: