.. _sec-jsclientlib-slicing: :mod:`OctoPrintClient.slicing` ------------------------------ .. js:function:: OctoPrintClient.slicing.listAllSlicersAndProfiles(opts) Retrieves a list of all slicers and their available slicing profiles. :param object opts: Additional options for the request :returns Promise: A `jQuery Promise `_ for the request's response .. js:function:: OctoPrintClient.slicing.listProfilesForSlicer(slicer, opts) Retrieves of all slicing profiles for the specified ``slicer``. :param string slicer: The identifier of the slicer for which to retrieve the profiles :param object opts: Additional options for the request :returns Promise: A `jQuery Promise `_ for the request's response .. js:function:: OctoPrintClient.slicing.getProfileForSlicer(slicer, profileId, opts) Retrieves the slicing profile with ``profileId`` for the specified ``slicer``. :param string slicer: The slicer for which to retrieve the profile :param string profileId: The identifier of the profile to retrieve :param object opts: Additional options for the request :returns Promise: A `jQuery Promise `_ for the request's response .. js:function:: OctoPrintClient.slicing.addProfileForSlicer(slicer, profileId, profile, opts) Adds the profile with identifier ``profileId`` to the specified ``slicer``, using the provided ``profile`` data. :param string slicer: The slicer for which to add the profile :param string profileId: The identifier for the profile to add :param object profile: The data of the profile to add :param object opts: Additional options for the request :returns Promise: A `jQuery Promise `_ for the request's response .. js:function:: OctoPrintClient.slicing.updateProfileForSlicer(slicer, profileId, profile, opts) Updates the profile ``profileId`` for ``slicer`` with the provided ``profile`` data. :param string slicer: The slicer for which to update the profile :param string profileId: The identifier for the profile to update :param object profile: The updated data of the profile :param object opts: Additional options for the request :returns Promise: A `jQuery Promise `_ for the request's response .. js:function:: OctoPrintClient.slicing.deleteProfileForSlicer(slicer, profileId, opts) Deletes the profile ``profileId`` for ``slicer``. :param object opts: Additional options for the request :returns Promise: A `jQuery Promise `_ for the request's response .. seealso:: :ref:`Slicing API ` The documentation of the underlying slicing API.