.. _sec-configuration-logging_yaml: logging.yaml ============ The logging configuration file ``logging.yaml`` for OctoPrint is expected in its settings folder, which unless defined differently on the command line is located at ``~/.octoprint`` on Linux, at ``%APPDATA%/OctoPrint`` on Windows and at ``~/Library/Application Support/OctoPrint`` on macOS. You can use it to change the log levels of the individual components within OctoPrint, which might be necessary to help in debugging issues you are experiencing, or to change the configuration of the logging handlers themselves, e.g. in order to change size after which to rollover the ``serial.log``. Changing log levels ------------------- If you need to change the default logging level within OctoPrint, create the file with a text editor of your choice (it's usually not there). The general format is this:: loggers: : level: with ```` being the internal OctoPrint component for which to change the loglevel, and ```` being the new log level to set. An example for increasing the log level of the events and the file management components to ``DEBUG`` (the highest amount of logging) would be this ``logging.yaml``: .. code-block:: yaml loggers: octoprint.events: level: DEBUG octoprint.filemanager: level: DEBUG A list of important components for which an increase in logging might be interesting follows: * ``octoprint.events``: the event sub system * ``octoprint.filemanager``: the file management layer * ``octoprint.plugin``: the plugin sub system * ``octoprint.plugins.``: the plugin ````, e.g. ``octoprint.plugins.discovery`` to change the log level of the :ref:`Discovery plugin ` or ``octoprint.plugins.backup`` to change the log level of the :ref:`Backup plugin `. * ``octoprint.slicing``: the slicing sub system This list will be expanded when deemed necessary. Changing logging handlers ------------------------- You can also change the configuration of the logging handlers themselves, e.g. in order to make the ``serial.log`` larger for debugging long running communications or to change the behaviour of the ``octoprint.log``. You can find the default configurations of the ``file`` handler used for the ``octoprint.log``, the ``serialFile`` handler used for the ``serial.log`` and the ``console`` handler used for the output to stdout in YAML format below: .. code-block:: yaml handlers: # stdout console: class: logging.StreamHandler level: DEBUG formatter: colored stream: ext://sys.stdout # octoprint.log file: class: logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler level: DEBUG formatter: simple when: D backupCount: 1 filename: /path/to/octoprints/logs/octoprint.log # serial.log serialFile: class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler level: DEBUG formatter: simple maxBytes: 2097152 # 2 * 1024 * 1024 = 2 MB in bytes filename: /path/to/octoprints/logs/serial.log .. note:: If OctoPrint is instructed to not color its logging output (e.g. via the ``--no-color`` command line option or the ``NO_COLOR`` environment variable), the ``colored`` formatter will be replaced with the ``simple`` formatter. You can find more information on the used logging handlers in the Python documentation on :py:mod:`logging.handlers`. Changing logging formatters --------------------------- The logging formatters can be defined via ``logging.yaml`` as well. The ``simple`` formatter as referenced above is expressed in YAML as follows: .. code-block:: yaml formatters: simple: format: "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" colored: format: "%(log_color)s%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s%(reset)s" As example, if you want to change the format to include the full file and line number in which the logging statement was issued, you could redefine the formatters as follows: .. code-block:: yaml formatters: simple: format: "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(pathname)s%(filename)s#%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" colored: format: "%(log_color)s%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(pathname)s%(filename)s#%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s%(reset)s" The possible keys for the logging format can be found in the :ref:`Python documentation on LogRecord attributes `.