
In this module the slicing support of OctoPrint is encapsulated.

class octoprint.slicing.SlicingProfile(slicer, name, data, display_name=None, description=None, default=False)

A wrapper for slicing profiles, both meta data and actual profile data.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer this profile belongs to.

  • name (str) – Identifier of this slicing profile.

  • data (object) – Profile data, actual structure depends on individual slicer implementation.

  • display_name (str) – Displayable name for this slicing profile.

  • description (str) – Description of this slicing profile.

  • default (bool) – Whether this is the default slicing profile for the slicer.

class octoprint.slicing.TemporaryProfile(save_profile, profile, overrides=None)

A wrapper for a temporary slicing profile to be used for a slicing job, based on a SlicingProfile with optional overrides applied through the supplied save_profile method.

Usage example:

temporary = TemporaryProfile(my_slicer.save_slicer_profile, my_default_profile,
with (temporary) as profile_path:
    my_slicer.do_slice(..., profile_path=profile_path, ...)
  • save_profile (callable) – Method to use for saving the temporary profile, also responsible for applying the supplied overrides. This will be called according to the method signature of save_slicer_profile().

  • profile (SlicingProfile) – The profile from which to derive the temporary profile.

  • overrides (dict) – Optional overrides to apply to the profile for creation of the temporary profile.

class octoprint.slicing.SlicingManager(profile_path, printer_profile_manager)

The SlicingManager is responsible for managing available slicers and slicing profiles.

  • profile_path (str) – Absolute path to the base folder where all slicing profiles are stored.

  • printer_profile_manager (PrinterProfileManager) – PrinterProfileManager instance to use for accessing available printer profiles, most importantly the currently selected one.

all_profiles(slicer, require_configured=False)

Retrieves all profiles for slicer slicer.

If require_configured is set to True (default is False), only will return the profiles if the slicer is already configured, otherwise a SlicerNotConfigured exception will be raised.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer for which to retrieve all slicer profiles

  • require_configured (boolean) – Whether to require the slicer slicer to be already configured (True) or not (False, default). If False and the slicer is not yet configured, a SlicerNotConfigured exception will be raised.


A dict of all SlicingProfile instances available for the slicer slicer, mapped by the identifier.

Return type

dict of SlicingProfile

cancel_slicing(slicer_name, source_path, dest_path)

Cancels the slicing job on slicer slicer_name from source_path to dest_path.

  • slicer_name (str) – Identifier of the slicer on which to cancel the job.

  • source_path (str) – The absolute path to the source file being sliced.

  • dest_path (str) – The absolute path to the destination file being sliced to.


UnknownSlicer – The slicer specified via slicer_name is unknown.

property configured_slicers

Returns: (list of str) Identifiers of all available configured slicers.

property default_slicer

Retrieves the default slicer.


(str) The identifier of the default slicer or None if the default slicer is not registered in the


delete_profile(slicer, name)

Deletes the profile name for the specified slicer.

If the profile does not exist, nothing will happen.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer for which to delete the profile.

  • name (str) – Identifier of the profile to delete.

  • UnknownSlicer – The slicer slicer is unknown.

  • CouldNotDeleteProfile – There was an error while deleting the profile.

get_profile_path(slicer, name, must_exist=False)

Retrieves the path to the profile named name for slicer slicer.

If must_exist is set to True (defaults to False) a UnknownProfile exception will be raised if the profile doesn’t exist yet.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer to which the profile belongs to.

  • name (str) – Identifier of the profile for which to retrieve the path.

  • must_exist (boolean) – Whether the path must exist (True) or not (False, default).


The absolute path to the profile identified by name for slicer slicer.

Return type


get_slicer(slicer, require_configured=True)

Retrieves the slicer named slicer. If require_configured is set to True (the default) an exception will be raised if the slicer is not yet configured.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer to return

  • require_configured (boolean) – Whether to raise an exception if the slicer has not been configured yet (True, the default), or also return an unconfigured slicer (False).


Retrieves the path where the profiles for slicer slicer are stored.


slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer for which to retrieve the path.


The absolute path to the folder where the slicer’s profiles are stored.

Return type



UnknownSlicer – The slicer slicer is unknown.


Initializes the slicing manager by loading and initializing all available SlicerPlugin implementations.

load_profile(slicer, name, require_configured=True)

Loads the slicing profile for slicer with the given profile name and returns it. If it can’t be loaded due to an IOError None will be returned instead.

If require_configured is True (the default) a SlicerNotConfigured exception will be raised if the indicated slicer has not yet been configured.


The requested slicing profile or None if it could not be loaded.

Return type


  • UnknownSlicer – The slicer specified via slicer is unknown.

  • SlicerNotConfigured – The slicer specified via slicer has not yet been configured and require_configured was True.

  • UnknownProfile – The profile for slicer slicer named name does not exist.


Retrieves the last modification date of slicer’s profiles.


slicer (str) – the slicer for which to retrieve the last modification date


(float) the time stamp of the last modification of the slicer’s profiles

property registered_slicers

Returns: (list of str) Identifiers of all available slicers.


Retrieves all registered SlicerPlugin implementations and registers them as available slicers.

save_profile(slicer, name, profile, overrides=None, allow_overwrite=True, display_name=None, description=None)

Saves the slicer profile profile for slicer slicer under name name.

profile may be either a SlicingProfile or a dict.

If it’s a SlicingProfile, its slicer`, name and - if provided - display_name and description attributes will be overwritten with the supplied values.

If it’s a dict, a new SlicingProfile instance will be created with the supplied meta data and the profile data as the data attribute.


If the profile is the first profile to be saved for the slicer, it will automatically be marked as default.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer for which to save the profile.

  • name (str) – Identifier under which to save the profile.

  • profile (SlicingProfile or dict) – The SlicingProfile or a dict containing the profile data of the profile the save.

  • overrides (dict) – Overrides to apply to the profile before saving it.

  • allow_overwrite (boolean) – If True (default) if a profile for the same slicer of the same name already exists, it will be overwritten. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.

  • display_name (str) – The name to display to the user for the profile.

  • description (str) – A description of the profile.


The saved profile (including the applied overrides).

Return type


set_default_profile(slicer, name, require_configured=False, require_exists=True)

Sets the given profile as default profile for the slicer.

  • slicer (str) – Identifier of the slicer for which to set the default profile.

  • name (str) – Identifier of the profile to set as default.

  • require_configured (bool) – Whether the slicer needs to be configured for the action to succeed. Defaults to false. Will raise a SlicerNotConfigured error if true and the slicer has not been configured yet.

  • require_exists (bool) – Whether the profile is required to exist in order to be set as default. Defaults to true. Will raise a UnknownProfile error if true and the profile is unknown.

  • UnknownSlicer – The slicer slicer is unknown

  • SlicerNotConfigured – The slicer slicer has not yet been configured and require_configured was true.

  • UnknownProfile – The profile name was unknown for slicer slicer and require_exists was true.

slice(slicer_name, source_path, dest_path, profile_name, callback, callback_args=None, callback_kwargs=None, overrides=None, on_progress=None, on_progress_args=None, on_progress_kwargs=None, printer_profile_id=None, position=None)

Slices source_path to dest_path using slicer slicer_name and slicing profile profile_name. Since slicing happens asynchronously, callback will be called when slicing has finished (either successfully or not), with callback_args and callback_kwargs supplied.

If callback_args is left out, an empty argument list will be assumed for the callback. If callback_kwargs is left out, likewise an empty keyword argument list will be assumed for the callback. Note that in any case the callback must support being called with the following optional keyword arguments:


If the slicer returned analysis data of the created machine code as part of its slicing result, this keyword argument will contain that data.


If there was an error while slicing this keyword argument will contain the error message as returned from the slicer.


If the slicing job was cancelled this keyword argument will be set to True.

Additionally callees may specify overrides for the specified slicing profile, e.g. a different extrusion temperature than defined in the profile or a different layer height.

With on_progress, on_progress_args and on_progress_kwargs, callees may specify a callback plus arguments and keyword arguments to call upon progress reports from the slicing job. The progress callback will be called with a keyword argument _progress containing the current slicing progress as a value between 0 and 1 plus all additionally specified args and kwargs.

If a different printer profile than the currently selected one is to be used for slicing, its id can be provided via the keyword argument printer_profile_id.

If the source_path is to be a sliced at a different position than the print bed center, this position can be supplied as a dictionary defining the x and y coordinate in print bed coordinates of the model’s center.

  • slicer_name (str) – The identifier of the slicer to use for slicing.

  • source_path (str) – The absolute path to the source file to slice.

  • dest_path (str) – The absolute path to the destination file to slice to.

  • profile_name (str) – The name of the slicing profile to use.

  • callback (callable) – A callback to call after slicing has finished.

  • callback_args (list or tuple) – Arguments of the callback to call after slicing has finished. Defaults to an empty list.

  • callback_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for the callback to call after slicing has finished, will be extended by _analysis, _error or _cancelled as described above! Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • overrides (dict) – Overrides for the printer profile to apply.

  • on_progress (callable) – Callback to call upon slicing progress.

  • on_progress_args (list or tuple) – Arguments of the progress callback. Defaults to an empty list.

  • on_progress_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments of the progress callback, will be extended by _progress as described above! Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • printer_profile_id (str) – Identifier of the printer profile for which to slice, if another than the one currently selected is to be used.

  • position (dict) – Dictionary containing the x and y coordinate in the print bed’s coordinate system of the sliced model’s center. If not provided the model will be positioned at the print bed’s center. Example: dict(x=10,y=20).

property slicing_enabled

Returns: (boolean) True if there is at least one configured slicer available, False otherwise.


Slicing related exceptions.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.SlicingException

Base exception of all slicing related exceptions.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.SlicingCancelled

Bases: SlicingException

Raised if a slicing job was cancelled.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.SlicerException(slicer, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: SlicingException

Base exception of all slicer related exceptions.


Identifier of the slicer for which the exception was raised.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.UnknownSlicer(slicer, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: SlicerException

Raised if a slicer is unknown.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.SlicerNotConfigured(slicer, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: SlicerException

Raised if a slicer is not yet configured but must be configured to proceed.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.ProfileException(slicer, profile, *args, **kwargs)

Base exception of all slicing profile related exceptions.


Identifier of the slicer to which the profile belongs.


Identifier of the profile for which the exception was raised.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.UnknownProfile(slicer, profile, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ProfileException

Raised if a slicing profile does not exist but must exist to proceed.

class octoprint.slicing.exceptions.ProfileAlreadyExists(slicer, profile, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ProfileException

Raised if a slicing profile already exists and must not be overwritten.